Report a Repair

To report a repair online, please use the form below to tell us where in your home the fault is and provide a clear description of the problem.

For emergency or urgent repairs, please telephone our contractors, Brenden Fern Limited, on 01782 818577. Alternatively, call us directly on 01782 252575. Our phone lines are open 9.00am to 2.30pm – Monday to Friday and our reception in Bentilee is open 9.00am to 2.30pm – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Brenden Fern also provide our emergency out of hours repairs service. The repairs we are responsible for will vary depending on whether you are a tenant, a shared owner or a leaseholder. Brenden Fern will only be able to help with repairs, they won’t be able to help with tenancy related issues such as rent queries or anti-social behaviour. For tenancy related issues, please contact us using the details on our contact page. For emergency repairs out of office hours, please telephone 08006 940434.

We will aim to complete emergency work within 4 hours. If this is not possible, we will make your home safe and return to complete the job as soon as possible.

Click here to see what is considered an emergency:

  • Gas leak*
  • Hot water failure and no back up, such as an immersion heater
  • Heating failure in the winter months (14 October to 14 March)
  • Complete loss of power (unless it is due to a power cut)
  • No working toilet
  • Severe flooding, water running into electrics or a major roof leak that is causing internal damage
  • Your home is not secure and you are concerned for your safety. We will not attend an out of hours call to change locks if you have lost your keys, you need to contact a locksmith to do this for you
  • If the police have asked us to attend for another reason
  • Any other incident that could seriously damage your health (such as if there is a risk to life) or the fabric of the property
  • Your individual needs may mean other exceptional circumstances might also be an emergency, this will be considered when you call about your repair

*If you can already smell gas and/or think there could be a leak, you should call Cadent Gas immediately on 0800 111 999 at any time of the day or night.

Please allow at least 3 working days when selecting your appointment date using the form below.

  • * this field is mandatory
  • Please allow at least 3 working days when selecting your appointment date.
    DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Click here to view our privacy statement.
  • Max. file size: 25 MB.

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