Damp, Mould and Condensation
At EPIC we are committed to ensuring your home is free from damp, mould and condensation.
If you have any concerns about damp, mould or condensation in your home please let us know.
How we identify damp, mould and condensation issues
- Contractor referrals
- Stock Condition Surveys
- Visits from staff
- Information from tenants
Our approach to damp, mould and condensation
If you have a severe case of damp and mould, we will prioritise this as an emergency and our contractor will attend to remove the mould. We will follow up with any remedial actions required or further repairs.
Our surveying team might need to visit your home to identify the cause on a case-by-case basis. We may need to carry out further investigation utilising technology such as moisture and humidity sensors.
We will carry out preventative improvements when required, this could be the installation of humidistat fans or increasing insulation.
Read our Damp & Mould Policy here.
What is damp?
Damp is caused by excess moisture in your home. It is most commonly caused by condensation but can also be caused by water penetrating from outside the building as well as internal leaks.
What is mould?
Mould is a symptom of excess moisture in your home, it is a type of fungi that looks like little black spots, usually in the corners or edges of rooms and windows. It is important to treat this right away if you spot it.
What is condensation?
Condensation is when excess moisture forms droplets on a cold surface. It usually happens when cooking, cleaning or having a shower. Surfaces may need to be dried to stop mould forming.
Managing Moisture in your Home
When you’re drying your washing, try to hang it outside where possible. If drying indoors, use your bathroom or kitchen with the extractor fan on, windows open and doors closed.
When using a tumble dryer, ensure it is well ventilated to outside.
To help reduce moisture and cold surfaces, having your home heated to around 18 degrees will help. Use room thermostats and radiator controls to maintain an even temperature in your home. However, we understand it is difficult at the moment with the rising cost of living, please get in touch with us if you are having difficulty affording to heat your home. You can also speak to your energy provider to find out about any available support.
Ventilate your home when needed, opening trickle vents and using extractor fans, particularly when cooking or bathing.
Try and keep large furniture away from external walls which reduces airflow in areas prone to mould.
Wipe down condensation
Wipe down condensation that forms on windows or cold surfaces before mould can develop.
Treat small or isolated outbreaks.
If you notice any mould, use mould cleaning products available from high street shops to remove it. You may need to do this more frequently in winter months.
Advice and Support
We recognise that maintaining a home free from damp, mould and condensation can be difficult in some circumstances. Please remember that you contact us here at any time if you are struggling and we will work together with you to resolve the issue.
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