Jan 2025 Policy Consultation Outcomes
Following on from a month-long consultation period focused on two new policies and one updated policy, we can confirm that no feedback was received, that would result in any fundamental changes to any of the policies.
Our Decant Policy explains the options available to us when a tenant needs to be temporarily relocated due to major works. This policy is now live and can be found here.
Our Tenancy Fraud policy outlines EPIC Housing’s response to preventing, detecting, and reporting tenancy-based fraud, such as tenants not using the property as their main home or sub-letting a property. This policy was presented and approved by our Audit and Risk Committee on 31 January 2025. The current version of the policy can be found here.
Our Vexatious Complainants Policy describes our response to unreasonably persistent, vexatious, unacceptable, or abusive behaviour towards our staff. This policy was presented to Board for final approval on 20 February 2025. The current version to be presented can be found here.
If you have any questions regarding any of these policies, please contact us in person or via phone on 01782 252575 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm) or email mailbox@epichousing.co.uk. Alternatively, you can use our online contact form.
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